Bestie Apothecary Kit
Bestie Kit | Mini-Apothecary for Immune, Digestion & Mental Health
Bestie Kit | Mini-Apothecary for Immune, Digestion & Mental Health
15 Herbs individually packaged, with Labels and energetics.
*Each package has 3 Tablespoons of the herb (weighing about .3-.7, depending on the contents.)HERBS INCLUDED:
LindenMarshmallowEchinacea prp.Peppermint LeavesChamomile FlowersYarrowHibiscus FlowersNettle LeavesLicorice RootFennel SeedCalendula FlowerBurdock RootScullcapGotu KolaWood Betony
These Herbs were chosen for a specific type of person and the attributes were written for that person. Many of the herbs have more therapeutic actions than what is listed on the label. (For a Heavy-set female with slightly high blood pressure that usually "runs hot. She exhibits anxiety issues, has trouble calming and focusing the mind at times and has a tendency to have digestion concerns.)
Linden: For: cold, flu, sore throat, respiratory infections w/ DRY cough; asthma/prevent spasms; Preventing the formation of stones in the urinary tract; Treatment of inflammation of the kidneys; indegestion and heartburn, reflux; stomach ulcers / duodenal ulcer; stomach cramps; Nervous palpitations; relax heart muscle and restore normal heart rhythm; stomach ache.Marshmallow: For: dry cough and inflamed membranes/bronchitis; gargle, tea & syrup for sore throats; soothes urinary tract infections, inflamed conditions of the digestive system such as ulcers, gastritis and inflammatory bowel conditions. The root can be used in an ointment for treating boils and abscesses. Take AFTER Prescriptions.Echinacea prp.: For: support severely depleted immune system, especially during upper respitory infections. Calm an over-stimulated , reactive IS, also used with hay fevers, post-viral fatigue. inflammation across the body. RS, Infection, Eczema.Peppermint: For: Alleviate anxiety, headaches, upset stomach, gas, indigestion. alleviate nausea, headaches, upset stomach, gas. speeds up the rate of elimination; improves the flow of bile; sooth discomfort from IBS. Don't use w/ GERDChamomile: For: coughs and bronchitis, fevers and colds, inflammations of the skin, inflammation of the mouth and pharynx, tendency to infection - improve immunity, wounds and burns. eczema and other skin inflammations, also for joint inflammations; it is especially suited for young children. Don't use is allergic to ragweedYarrow: For: Fever; cold, flu; chickenpox; Respitory Infection; nosebleed. Stops bleeding on any open wound. Heavy periods; Internal bleeding, anti-inflammatory in allergies & certain autoimmune disorders. Removal of toxins from the body via skin & urine. Helps rash to break. IBS & Indegestion. CONTRAINDICATED ALONGSIDE ANTICOAGULANTS & SALICYLATES. SENSITIVITY TO YARROW WITH HISTORY OF ASTERACEAE SENSITIVITY.Hibiscus: For: prevents plaque buildup in the arteries, lowers cholesterol, blood pressure & body temperature. soothing cough remedy. Tonic tea for digestive and kidney functions. treatment of arteriosclerosis and as an intestinal antiseptic. Boosts Collagen. Prevents dryness, frizz, greying, balding & breakage. Treats itchiness.Nettle: For: Prime herb for hay fever, as it tackles the allergy, easing inflammation and mucus. Reduce inflammation in the gut. UTI. Arthritis and rheumatism. Should be a considered whenever the whole body needs to be strengthened. Stems internal bleeding. Cleanse Kidneys. anemia, excessive menstruation, hemorrhoids, eczema. Don't use w/ anticoagulants.Licorice Root: For: Dry coughs, irritable coughs associated with inflamed mucosa in the respitory system (significant relief). adrenal tonic. heavy mental tole. reduce excess acid(DS); Healing post-ulcer; protective agent to the liver; managing even severe inflammation throughout the body. allergies; hay fever; cirrhosis and even hepatitisFennel Seed: For: back aches; skeletal pain; poor circulation; bloating; promote digestion; period pains; cramps; gripe; colic; fight infection and constipation; anti-nausea; break down kidney stones; cleanse liver; Wet cough, bronchitis, dyspeptic complaints; urinary disorders.Calendula Flower: For: gallbladder and liver support; eliminates free radicals & prevent development of oxidative stress; boosts antioxidant levels & stimulate growth of new skin cells, increasing collagen cross-binding to improve elasticity. gut problems: ulcers and inflammations-helps to soothe heal and protect the stomach & intestines.Burdock Root: For: cleanser to deal with toxicity associated with inflammatory joint issues, and for chronic inflammation across the body. Liver Stimulant. Immune system Support. Resolve very painful wind and bloating associated with stress, anxiety and reactions to food. Improve elimination in order to remove toxin build-up.Scullcap: For: Anxiety; Sleep quality; PMS, nervous ticks and twitches; various problems of the nervous system including epilepsy, insomnia, anxiety, delirium tremens, withdrawal from barbiturates and tranquillizers, and neuralgia; Calms nervous system capping negative and overwhelming thoughts.Gotu Kola: For: Anti-depressant effects, anti-anxiety; increases the cerebral levels of GABA; skin problems; digestive disorders; nervous disorders including multiple sclerosis; used internally in the treatment of wounds, chronic skin conditions, strengthens nervous function & memory. Fever, diarrhea, lupus, psoriasis. Break after 6 weeks of use.Wood Betony: For: Pain-relieving nerve tonic, calms and reduces even severe anxiety. Helps the system to recover from prolonged periods of stress and tension, strengthening the system considerably. Improves circulation to the head. tension, anxiety or low mood. digestive issues of nervous origin and inflammation and infection on the gut.
**Not for use in pregnancy.
*Persons with allergies to other members of the Asteraceae family should exercise caution with yarrow, as allergic cross-reactivity is common in Asteraceae plants.
***Red’s Remedies and its representatives accept no responsibility or liability for any adverse consequences resulting directly or indirectly from the use of its products or of any information presented. No statements on these products have been evaluated by the FDA. The information provided is for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice, consultation, diagnosis, or a cure.